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My journey in music started in my senior school years. The music teacher recognised something in me and gave me the initial push that gathered momentum very quickly.

I started by playing the drums in a Rock 'n' Roll band and continued playing live music for 30 plus years. After retiring due to health, I began writing and recording more seriously.

Here I am, doing what I love, writing music and making videos, writing children's stories and other music related stuff.

My Story

As I said, I started playing drums with a pop and rock 'n' roll band called Memphis T Rock and Bograt. Other names were used for the purpose of getting work. We played pubs and club around the UK and had a ball. As with a lot of bands, we had our disagreements and eventually went our own way. Paul joined Cadillac and the Cruisers, Dave joined 'Tonight' and 'Yen', I joined many groups - 'The Jumping Stingrays' (Rhythm and Blues), 'Steam' (Funk), quite a few pop/cover bands, 'Mr. Zero' (Progressive Rock ), The Funky Monks (Funk), Street Legal (Rhythm and Blues) not to mention The Rockin' Devils (Rock 'n' Roll).

I sat-in with a lot of bands like 'Next' (2 of Benny Hills Angels) and Les Gray's Mud and The Basie Bros. (Jazz) to mention a few (poor memory on my part).

During that time I picked up a few instruments on the way. One of the first, after the drums of course, was acoustic guitar and the 5-string banjo. The banjo fell by the way-side, but the guitar stuck. I also played the ukulele and more recently started playing piano.

Since retiring from the drums, I got more involved with writing and recording. Obviously I wrote ballads, but interestingly, I got into orchestral and electronic arrangements. Some of my work is more suited to film scores, but until the opportunity comes along, I'll just keep on keeping on.


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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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